Dr. Roby Nathanson  | CEO

Roby has a Masters Degree and PhD in Economics specializing in International Trade, from the University of Köln (Germany). He served as macro-economic policy advisor to the Histadrut during Israel's Economic Stabilization Program in the 1980's, and participated in the formulation of programs aimed at socio-economic structural reform, particularly in the areas of industrial relations, healthcare, pensions and regional development. He also took part in negotiations and in strategic planning teams on the future of the economy, including the National Council for Economic Planning, and the Joint Forum for Strategic Analysis with the Manufacturers Association, etc. He is also on the board of directors of public institutions in the areas of energy, communications and healthcare. In 1989, he was appointed director of the Histadrut's (Labor Federation) Institute for Economic and Social Research. Since then, he has published a long list of studies on economic, social, and foreign policy issues. In 1995 he was chosen to head Israel's Economic and Social Planning Administration in Times of Peace, in the Prime Minister's Office. Since 1995, he has headed the Macro Center for Political Economics, established after a decade of research at the Israeli Institute For Economic and Social Research.

Dr. Nathanson has lectured at the Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel-Aviv University and at the Hebrew University School of Business. He currently lectures at the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo and serves as a senior advisor at the Open University. He also serves as a board member of several public institutions.

He speaks Portuguese, Spanish, German, English, French and Hebrew.

Youth Studies
The Future of Youth in Europe and Israel: Social Exclusion and the Quality of Democracy
New Challenges of the Welfare State - Solutions for Closing Social Gaps. Economic Policy for Youths - Executive Summary
New Challenges of the Welfare State
Absorption into Employment of the Ultra-Orthodox and Arab Sectors by Vocational Training
Rebuilding the Welfare State in Multicultural Societies
Co-determination and Sustainable Organizations
The Social Alliance - Summary of Policy Recommendation 2014
Allocation of Government Resources to Education By National Priority Areas and the West Bank
A comprehensive analysis of the settlements' economic costs and alternative costs to the State of Israel - 2014
Corporate Social Responsibility in the EU and in Israel
Natural Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean - Economic Impacts and Strategic Implications
Vocational Training
Israel’s implementation of the OECD recommendations
All of the Above: Identity Paradoxes of Young People in Israel
Adult Vocational Training and the Israeli Labor Market
Proposal for a Vocational Training Model for Israel
Renewing the Middle East
Natural Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean - Casus Belli or Chance for Regional Cooperation?
The Middle East Under Fire?
The Social Alliance
The Israeli Guide for Co-Determination and Corporate Sustainability
West Bank Settlements in the 2015-2016 State Budget
GEMM Pilot Project
A comprehensive analysis of the settlements' economic costs and alternative costs to the State of Israel - 2015
The Working Conditions of Palestinian Wage Earners in Israel
EU-Israel Relations in Light of the New Middle East
?Where is Generation Z Going
Israel's World of Work 2040
Unemployment and Job Seekers in the Israeli Labor Force
Inequality in the Workplace
Single-Parent Families in Israel
Characteristics Of The Israeli Labor Market In The West Bank
After 50 Years – No Future for Two Peoples? What must be done to Build Peace?
Russia in the Middle East: EU & Israeli perspectives
Right-Wing Populism in Europe and Israel: Common Challenges and Policy Options
The Effects of Syrian Refugees on the Labor Markets of Host Middle Eastern and European Countries
Global Challenges And Their Impact on the Middle East
EU-Israel Relations in Light of the New Middle East
Minutes from the IEPN Conference in Brussels, July 2019
Challenges to the International Legal Order - Israeli and European Perspectives
Socio-Economic and Demographic Analysis of the 2019 Israeli Elections
An Appendix to the Socio-Economic Analysis of the 2019 Israeli Election results on Irregular Polling Stations
An Appendix to the Socio-Economic Analysis of the 2019 Israeli Election results – excel file of statistical areas with high interest
Socio-Economic and Demographic Analysis of the September 2019 Israeli Elections
Mapping Sources of Mutual Distrust in Palestinian and Israeli Societies and Politics: role of education, daily life experiences, and exposure to violence
IEPN Israel conference 2020
IEPN Europe conference 2020
Israel Good Work Index 2020
Codetermination and the Gig Economy
IEPN Barcelona 2021
IEPN Israel - 2022
Impact of Climate Change on Labour Relations and the Future of Work
Personal, National and Social Attitudes of the Israeli Youth
Redefining European engagement in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
IEPN - The Israeli-European Policy Network