Natural Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean - Casus Belli or Chance for Regional Cooperation?
Legal and strategic aspects of the natural gas discoveries, in light of the middle eastern politics and Israel-EU relations.
Natural Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean - Economic Impacts and Strategic Implications
Paper summarizing the Conference on the topic: Natural Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean: Economic Impacts and Strategic Implications? Organized in...
The Social Alliance - Summary of Policy Recommendation 2014
Summary of the main speeches, researches and conclusions presented on both conferences held in 2014.
Israel’s implementation of the OECD recommendations
A paper written within the framework of the Zichron Ya'akov initiative concerning the OECD's recommendations for Israel, their...
Renewing the Middle East
Climate Changes in Security and Energy and the New Challenges for EU-Israel Relations
The Middle East Under Fire?
EU-Israel Relations in a Region Between War and Conflict Resolution
The Effects of Syrian Refugees on the Labor Markets of Host Middle Eastern and European Countries
Global Challenges And Their Impact on the Middle East
EU-Israel Relations in Light of the New Middle East
Challenges to the International Legal Order - Israeli and European Perspectives
The annual meeting of the Israeli-European Policy
Network (IEPN) in Berlin, Germany focused on the
role that International Law...
Minutes from the IEPN Conference in Brussels, July 2019
Minutes from the IEPN Conference in Herzelyia, September 2019
IEPN Israel conference 2020
The Domestic and International Economic Implications of a Possible Israeli Annexation in the West Bank
IEPN Europe conference 2020
Discussing Annexation Scenarios: A Regional Perspective
IEPN Israel - 2022
Redefining European engagement in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
From financial aid to institution building
IEPN - The Israeli-European Policy Network
by: Prof. Stephan Stetter
The Israeli-European Policy Network (IEPN) works under the direction of the Israel Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), and...
Personal, National and Social Attitudes of the Israeli Youth
by: Dr. Roby Nathanson
The Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s 5th Youth Study (FES)
Why are Israeli kids so right wing?
Dr. Roby Nathanson talks about voting trends amongst Israeli yourh.
How much would it cost to annex Area C in the West Bank
Read the full article (Hebrew)
Four elections in two years cost Israel $4.24 billion
According to Dr. Roby Nathanson, CEO of the Macro Center for Political Economics, the total cost to Israel’s economy of...
Israel economy: A rebound in farming could lead to a decrease in food prices
While key sectors show resilience, economists warn of lasting challenges due to poverty and defense spending