
Israel economy: A rebound in farming could lead to a decrease in food prices

While key sectors show resilience, economists warn of lasting challenges due to poverty and defense spending
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“There Are No Good Jobs On A Dead Planet”

Histadrut representatives speak on the impact of climate change on labor relations and the future of work.
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When Palestinians Are Represented Positively in History Lessons, Israeli Students' Trust in Them Grows

Publication of the results of the Macro Center's research in collaboration with a Palestinian research institute. funded by the European union
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Four elections in two years cost Israel $4.24 billion

According to Dr. Roby Nathanson, CEO of the Macro Center for Political Economics, the total cost to Israel’s economy of four national elections in the past two years is about 14 billion NIS.
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Majority of Arab Israeli Youth Think Minority Rights Are Important. Their Jewish Counterparts Disagree

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Creative Industries in the Israeli Labour Market

A research held by the Macro Center, together with LAHAV, the Israel Chamber of Independent Organizations and Businesses, concludes that Israel is not doing enough in order to support evergrowing creative industries. Read the full article (hebrew)
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How much would it cost to annex Area C in the West Bank

Read the full article (Hebrew)
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Why are Israeli kids so right wing?

Dr. Roby Nathanson talks about voting trends amongst Israeli yourh.
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The Israeli economy suffers a 6.4 Billion dollar loss due to non-integration of people with disabilties into the workforce

Read the full article (Hebrew)
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"Non-Israeli workers contribute to the economy"

Dr. Roby Nathanson, head of the Macro center, Interviewed by Anat Davidov about Non-Israeli workers in the country (Hebrew)
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Foreign Workers Should be Integrated Into the Labor Market

Article in Hebrew
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Its Time to Talk About Pensions for the Self Employed

Article in Hebrew
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המשק מפסיד 6.4 מליארד שקלים בשנה מאי-שילוב אנשים עם מוגבלות בעבודה.

מחקר של מרכז "מאקרו" בשיתוף עם האגף לקידום שוויון בהסתדרות קובע כי ישנה עלייה מתמדת באחוז בעלי המוגבלויות המועסקים במשק וכיום 48% מבעלי מוגבלות חמורה מועסקים. עם זאת, סך אובדן התוצר הגולמי למשק אשר נגרם מאי שילוב בעלי מוגבלויות נוספים בשוק העבודה עומד על 6.4 מיליארד שקלים בשנה.
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Government investment in the settlements

Government investment in the settlements is significantly higher than its investment in the rest of the country. Watch the TV show 'Gav Hauma', were Macro Center was quoted .
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German-Israeli cooperation in the field of occupational safety

The German Ambassador to Israel, Dr. Clemens von Goetze, the managing director of the German Hans-Böckler Foundation, Mr. Michael Guggemos, as well as the general director of the Israeli Macro Center, Dr. med. Roby Nathanson met with Israeli Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Haim Katz on Tuesday, November 28, 17.
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?Where is Generation Z Going

Yediot Achronot published the 4th Youth Study of the Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung and Macro Center about Personal, National and Societal Attitudes of Jewish and Arab Youth in Israel. -Hebrew
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?Where is Generation Z Going

Orit Lavi Nesiel interviewed Macro Center General Director Dr. Roby Nathanson, in the "Knesset Channel", about the 4th Youth Study of the Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung and Macro Center about Personal, National and Societal Attitudes of Jewish and Arab Youth in Israel. -Hebrew
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?Where is Generation Z Going

Einav Shif published an opinion article in Yediot Achronot, about the 4th Youth Study of the Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung and Macro Center about Personal, National and Societal Attitudes of Jewish and Arab Youth in Israel. -Hebrew
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