The labor force participation rate of West Bank Israelis is the highest in the country 70.5% and the unemployment rate is one of the lowest 5.7%.
The WB is also the national top region in women’s participation rate 73.5% by a considerable margin and the female unemployment rate is the lowest and the same as the Central District 4.8%.
For males, the situation is a less favorable with low participation rate 67.5% and high unemployment 6.7% relative to other regions.
Like other regions the share of self-employed is decreasing over time but is lower than in other regions.
Average wages in the WB are highly effected by the increase in Ultra-Orthodox population, especially for males. Average wages west of the barrier is rather heterogeneous, in affluent settlements it is very high and stand between 10 and 14 thousand NIS per month, while wages in Ultra-Orthodox settlements is less 2 than 5 thousand. East of the barrier settlements show relative homogeneity and the area average is higher than west of the barrier
WB average wages are lower than other Israeli regions with a long-lasting gap for males which did not decrease in the past decade. For females, the gap is closing and wages are rapidly increasing
Share of WB district residents who also work in the district is the lowest in the country (45.8%) and the share of employees who work in the settlement they live in is relatively low (32.6%). West of the barrier settlers tend to work less in the settlement they live in and only 30.0% do so, while 45.1% of east of the barrier settlers do so.
Most of WB commuting is to the Jerusalem and Tel Aviv metropolitan areas. East of the barrier commuting is mostly to Jerusalem and west is to both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Because of the relatively low number of jobs in the settlements themselves, average distance to the workplace is higher than in other parts of the country 18.0 Km versus 13.2 Km.
85.5% of the WB Labor employees are wage earners, compared to a national average of 84.9%. 30.7% of the wage earners in the WB are employed in part-time jobs, compared to a national average of 18.1%.
Education is the main employment sector for WB residents, 22.4%, compared to a national average of 12.8%
A high share of WB employees commute to work for more than an hour, 23.3%, compared to a national average of 11.2%. About 72% of the WB commuters are bothered by the length of the travel, compared to a national average of 47%. 24.1% of the WB employees commute by public transportation, compared to a national average of 20.3%.