Israel Good Work Index 2020

by: Dr. Roby Nathanson  date:  03.05.2021

Israel Good Work Index 2020

The Macro Center for Political Economics together with Maager Mochot developed the Israeli Good Work Index, to examine the quality of work in Israel.
The goal of the research is 
to develop a new tool that would examine the general status of employment in Israel; a good work index. The index examines core issues that influence the quality of work, provides an assessment of the overt employment conditions, and also provides an assessment for essential covert issues in employment conditions over time.
The index is based on the ongoing 
experience of the German trade unions. Following the completion of the last index, the following one was prepared, with the purpose to examine trends in the Israeli labor force, and
also effects of the COVID-19 crisis. The goals of this study are to refine the index and measure it in an additional time segment.
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