Co-determination and Sustainable Organizations

by: Dr. Roby NathansonItamar Gazala  date:  01.02.2015
A joint research of the Macro Center for Political Economics and the Hans-Böckler-Foundation in the subject of organization sustainability and the work relationship and co-determination.

Co-determination and Sustainable Organizations

The fruitful dialogue between the Macro Center for Political Economics and the Hans-Böckler-Foundation resulted in the development of a joint action plan for research on the topic of “Codetermination and Sustainable Organizations: Worker Participation in Israel and Europe in an Era of Global Economies and as a Sound Element in Corporate Governance” which addresses relationships between employers, workers, policy makers and expert researchers in the field. 

The purpose of the research project is to examine various codetermination and business sustainability models, including models existing in literature and in practice, and models which will be developed within the framework of the research. The feasibility of implementing relevant models in Israel will be examined using various measures, including legislative actions.
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